Trovata incorporates multiple rates of exchange to ensure that the tool provides the most relative understanding of the value of a transaction or a balance as it relates to the base currency that the tool is set to.
FX rates are sourced directly from Oanda via API. The retrieved rates are updated hourly.
The last rate of the day is always the rate provided by Oanda for 23:00:00 UTC (6pm eastern standard time, or 7pm eastern daylight time). We always use the MID value for conversions.
โ ๏ธ Note:
Rates of exchange in Trovata are meant to serve as reference rates. They are not the cost of converting currency (do not incorporate your agreed upon spread) nor the execution rate of a transaction.
They are a reference for the relative value for the transaction or balance in the base currency that the system is set to.
Rates throughout the day are stored and used for different purposes as they relate to specific properties within Trovata.
Opening Ledger Balance Converted: Leverages the first stored rate of the day
Closing Ledger Balance Converted: Leverages the last stored rate of the day
Current Available Balance Converted: The most recent received rate when the balance is retrieved
Composite Balance Converted: The most recent received rate or the last stored balance for the day
Intraday Transactions: The most recent rate stored when the transaction is posted to Trovata
Prior day Transactions: The last rate stored for the day when the transaction is posted to Trovata
Updates to FX Rate Strategy
On November 18th, we enhanced the way non-USD data is converted throughout our system.