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Trovata Glossary

Frequently used terms in the Trovata universe!

David Taylor avatar
Written by David Taylor
Updated over a week ago


  • Account Alias: Nicknames used to easily and quickly identify accounts.

  • Account Filters: Entity, Region, and Division filters based on the Account Groups previously set up.

  • Account Groups: Entity, Region, and Division groups designed to organize your account structure.

  • Account Owner: This is an Admin role that has ultimate control over the existence of the account. These users are responsible for managing the Trovata subscription and can terminate the account, in addition to all Admin permissions

  • Accounts Payable: a short-term debt where a business owes money to its vendors/suppliers.

  • Accounts Receivable: money owed to a company by its debtors.

  • Account Type: Operating, Investment, Debt, Other categories listed in the Balances module.

  • ACH (Automated Clearing House): The primary system that agencies use for electronic funds transfer (EFT). With ACH, funds are electronically deposited in financial institutions, and payments are made online.

  • Admin: This role has the highest permissions level (besides account owner) as it allows the user to engage with all functions in Trovata and grants access to the admin portal.

  • Analysis (Module): Designed to analyze transaction and balance data points to identify trends, test a hypothesis, or answer a specific cash question. This is also a fantastic tool to visualize and create an automated report.

  • Anomaly: A deviation from what is standard, normal, or expected in your balance and transaction data.

  • Approver: The user who is entitled to approve one or more workflow stages. Preparer, Reviewer, Approver, and Releaser are four types of “Approvers” that can be applied to any user profile.

  • "As Of" Column: The timestamp in the As Of column shows the local date and time for when your institution updated that specific balance.

  • Automatic Tag: Tag within the G/L Tags module that will automatically assign a tag to new transactions flowing into Trovata.


  • Balance: Amount of cash in any given bank account

  • Balances (Module): The initial landing page in Trovata that provides an overview of your most current cash balance, as well as a list of all banks and accounts that are connected to your instance.

  • Balance Property/Balance Type: Balance classification that Trovata receives from the various institutions that are connected to a user's Trovata instance. Trovata displays both the local currency balance provided by the bank as well as the converted balance computed by Trovata.

  • Bar Chart: A graphical representation of data, quantities, or numbers using bars within Analysis, Reports, and other modules.

  • Beneficiary: The business entity that the holder of an account designates to receive payment.

  • Bulk Payment: Allows users in the Payments module to make multiple debit payments simultaneously via a bulk list.


  • Cadence: Toggle-able dropdown giving users the ability to see data points by day, week, month, or quarter.

  • Cash Position: The amount of money (liquidity) a business has at any given time.

  • Cash Positioning (Module): Designed to identify projected excess cash and call attention to balances that fall below a preferred target.

  • Change Currency: Menu that provides users with the ability to change their User Currency and Instance Currency.

  • Change in Balance: The difference between Opening Ledger and Closing Ledger balances.

  • Chart Date: Date of the chart being displayed

  • Child Tag: A tag created using either search criteria, filters, or both.

  • Classic Forecasts: Older version of the Forecast module.

  • Closing Available Balance: The Closing Available for the account as provided by the institution for the specific day. This may vary from the Current Available or Opening Available (from the following day) based on cash availability/float activity in the account.

  • Closing Ledger Balance: The Closing Ledger Balance for the account as provided by the institution at close of business for the specific day.

  • Column Filters: Filters that control displayed columns for each account on the Balances page.

  • Connection Types: API, BAI/sFTP, and Plaid connections

  • Converted Balance: Amount of cash in any given bank account, converted to USD

  • Converted Currency: Amount of cash, converted from one respective currency to another.

  • Composite Balance: This is the default balance property displayed which aims to create a normalized and current balance picture for any given account. This particular displays the most recent balance.

  • Credit: Amount deposited into a bank account.

  • CSV Download: Transaction export available in Grid Mode.

  • Current Available Balance: The most recent Current Available Balance for the account as provided by the institution for the specific day.

  • Currency Breakdown: A view of the various currency totals comprising any given report.

  • Currency Threshold: Configurable settings within Reconciliation that ignore unreconciled accounts up to the designated value within the Reconciliation Check.

  • Current Cash: Configurable snack report that gives users visibility into custom aggregations of current day balances, pinned to the top of the Balances page.


  • Daily View: A view within the Reconciliation Module that displays the daily changes to aggregate cash converted to a single currency.

  • Dashboard (Module): Displays key Reports, Reconciliations, Forecasts, and/or Tag Reports to holistically monitor cash activity and make faster business decisions.

  • Dashboard Tab: A unique view with the Dashboard Module for any given person or business unit.

  • Data Resources: The specific modules and/or features that users have access to.

  • Data Stream: A series of values that represent one or more cash flows in a Forecast.

  • Date Range: The specific range of dates used in Reports, Reconciliations, Forecasts and Tag Reports.

  • Debit: Amount withdrawn from a bank account

  • Description: A field within the transaction metadata that can be searched and tagged.

  • Developer Portal: A portal where users can find comprehensive API reference documentation for Trovata Developer APIs. Users can then build their own custom applications on top of Trovata data hosted in their instance.

  • Division: Balance Group based on a business segment.

  • Duplicate: Ability to clone a Tag, Report, and/or Forecast in Trovata.


  • Entity: Balance Group based on a legal arm of a business's operations.

  • Exchange Rate: The value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another. Rates are pulled into Trovata daily and stored for historical conversions.

  • Exclude Tag: A tag that is specifically excluded from any given tag or report so that the transactions within that tag aren't displayed.


  • Factors: Ability to use "Growth" or "Shift" options within Forecasts and/or Data Streams.

  • Filters: Used to narrow down the data being analyzed and/or reported on.

    When analyzing your transaction data, you can you can filter by Credits/Debits, Institutions, Currencies, Accounts, and Tags. When analyzing your balances data, you can filter by Institutions, Currencies, and Accounts, as well as by Entity, Region, and Division.

  • Forecast (Module): Provides users with the ability to create Data Streams to estimate future balances and cash flow activity.


  • G/L Code: Code based on the corresponding G/L chart of accounts number.

  • G/L Code Description: Description of the corresponding G/L chart of account.

  • G/L Filters: Ability to filter by G/L tags and credit/debit codes.

  • G/L Tags: A set of categorized transactions based on user-created rules, that unlike standard Tags, have a 1:1 relationship with transactions. From an accounting perspective, labeling transactions with the impacted debit and credit G/L codes allows a company to reconcile transaction activity more efficiently in order to complete the appropriate journal entries during month-end close.

  • G/L Tag Admin: Tab within the G/L Tags Module that lets users configure each tag with a debit and credit G/L code.

  • Grid: Series of values, typically below a visual chart in Analysis, Reports, and Forecasts.

  • Grid Mode: Appearing throughout Trovata, this waffle-looking icon can be toggled to populate data/values into an excel-like grid.

  • Group By: Used as a way to slice your "narrowed down" data (if using filters) into multiple sections. When analyzing your transaction data, you can you can group by Currency, Institution, Account, and Tag. When analyzing your balances data, you can group by Currency, Institution, and Account, as well as by Entity, Region, and Division.


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  • Initiator: The user who creates the payment.

  • Insights (Module): Leverages machine learning driven capabilities to improve tagging, reporting, and recommendations features within Trovata.

  • Instance: A Trovata account.

  • Instance Currency: Default converted currency in a specific instance.

  • Institution: A bank; A filter option within Trovata.

  • Invoice Filters: Ability within Open Invoices and the Invoice Stream creation process to filter by Customer/ Vendor, Invoice Type, and Invoice Provider.

  • Invoice Stream: Data stream created using open AR/AP invoices.

  • Items Reconciled: Dropdown menu within the Reconciliation Module that allows users to change the focus of the Reconciliation report (i.e. Account, Institution, Currency, Entity, Region, and Division).


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  • Line Chart: Graph type used to display a line chart of the balance or transaction activity.


  • Machine Learning: Used within the Forecasts Module to create data streams based on historical data.

  • Manual Account: An account that has been manually created in Trovata.

  • Manual Account Balance: The balance of an account that has been manually created in Trovata.

  • Manual Tag: Tag within the G/L Tags module that will only include manually selected transactions and will not automatically assign a tag new transactions flowing into Trovata.

  • Manual Transaction: A transaction that has been manually uploaded to Trovata.

  • Memo: Column field within manual transaction uploads that can be used to provide extra metadata on any given transaction.

  • Metadata: The entirety of the transaction description fields provided by an institution. The characters and numbers within these fields are used to search and tag transactions in Trovata.

  • Module: Listed on the left side-bar of Trovata, these are the pages/tools available to users.

  • Morgan Money: An enhanced global trading platform that allows you to invest with ease, operational efficiency, and effective controls.


  • Net Transaction Activity: Sum of all credit and debit transactions.

  • Notifications: In-app alerts from Trovata, shown by the bell icon.


  • Open Invoices (Module): Open accounts receivable and accounts payable invoices that can be used in the Forecast Module.

  • Opening Available: The amount of cash immediately available in an account as provided by the institution at beginning of business for the specific day.

  • Opening Ledger Balance: The Opening Ledger Balance for the account as provided by the institution at beginning of business for the specific day.


  • Parent Tag: A tag comprised of one of more child tags.

  • Payments (Module): Empowers users to setup and control all steps of the payment life cycle from various institutions, within a single interface.

  • Payment Method: Type of payment that is being sent or received (i.e. ACH, Wire, Check, Transfer, and RTP)

  • Payment Status: The standing of a Payment initiated by a User in Trovata (Accepted, Approved, Cancelled, Change, Completed, Failed, Open, Pending, Processing, Rejected, Rejected by Bank, Submitted)

  • PDF: Portable Document Format used to deliver reports to Trovata stakeholders.

  • Periods: Number of days, weeks, months, or quarters displayed on a graph.

  • Periods View: A view within the Reconciliation Module that displays the daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly changes to aggregate cash converted to a single currency.

  • Permissions: The access levels given to users, granting the ability to create, delete, update, and read assigned Resources within Trovata.

  • Pie Chart: Graph type used to display a pie of the various groupings in any given Analysis or Report.

  • Preparer: Initiator of the payment.


  • Quick Edit: Grants users the ability to change the specific account's Bank name, Account Alias, Account Type, as well as Entity, Region, and Division group designations.


  • Reader: This role is read only and can be used to allow individuals specific visibility to whitelisted resources. Whitelisted resources include Accounts, Tags, Reports, Classic Reports, and Forecasts. By default, readers will have access to all of these resources and Admins can later specify, if needed, which of these resources should be accessible.

  • Reconciliation (Module): Prove that the daily change in Balances = net transaction activity

  • Reconciliation Check: Verification, on the account level, that the change in balance is equal to the net transaction activity on any given day. Passing the check results in green checks, while failing the check leads to red X's.

  • Region: Balance group generally defined as a geographic location in which a business operates. (i.e. NA, APAC, EMEA, LAD)

  • Releaser: Fourth and final level of payment approval.

  • Reports (Module): Designed to automate cash reporting to share with a user's organization.

  • Report Delivery: Method of automatically delivering PDF versions of user reports on a set cadence.

  • "Requested On" Column: The timestamp in the Requested column shows the local date and time when Trovata requested the data from your institution.

  • Re-tag: An operation in the G/L tags module that allows users to re-run any changes made to the G/L tag rules. Users are limited to one "full" re-tag once per day, but can re-tag all transactions within the past 1-5 days.

  • Reviewer: Second level of payment approval that is optional depending on the workflow that is set up.

  • Rolling Dates: Reports with dates set to automatically roll forward each day.

  • RTP: Payments made between bank accounts that are initiated, cleared and settled within seconds, at any time of the day or week, holidays and weekends included.


  • Scatter Plot: Graph type used to display a scatter plot.

  • Search Bar: Google-like search bar that identifies account and metadata details.

  • Settings: Accessible in the bottom left corner of the Trovata instance, users can change their password, add users, create user groups, and more in this menu.

  • Shift: Ability to move data from one point in time to a past or future time within the Forecasts module.

  • Show/Hide Weekends: Ability to toggle weekends on or off in Analysis and Reports.

  • Single Tag Column: Button in Grid Mode used to consolidate tags into one column.

  • Stacked Bar Chart: Graph type used to display a stacked bar of the various groupings in any given Analysis or Report.


  • Tag: A set of categorized transactions based on user-created rules.

  • Tag Breakdown: Ability to display which tags capture daily transaction activity from within the Reconciliation module.

  • Tag Description: The description assigned to a tag with a 500 character limit.

  • Tag Filters: Provides the option to include or exclude created tags within Analysis, Reports, and Forecasts.

  • Tag Name: The name assigned to a tag with a 30 character limit.

  • Templates: Pre-filled payment instructions.

  • Transaction: Cash moving in or out of a bank account.

  • Transactions (Module): Provides access to a google-like search bar to identify any transaction in your instance. Combine the use of keywords from the transaction metadata and filters to make your search more specific.

  • Transaction Cluster: A group of transactions with similar metadata, represented in the Transaction Explorer module.

  • Transactions Explorer (Module): Groups transactions into various clusters based on the metadata they share. Can also be used to tag transactions.

  • Transaction Filters: Provides the option to filter transaction results by Credit/Debit, Accounts, Institutions, and Currencies.

  • Transfer: A bank transfer where money is sent from one bank account to another.

  • Trend Line: Button used to identify the a trend line within Analysis and Reports.

  • True Rounding: Provides the option to round values within Analysis and Reports.


  • Untagged Transaction: A transaction that has not had a tag rule applied.

  • Users: This is the default role which allows the user to engage with all functions in Trovata, but does not grant access to the admin portal.

  • User Currency: Default converted currency for a specific user.

  • User Group(s): Group of users with the same resource and permission access.

  • Unique Approver: Option within the Payments module that only allows team members to approve payments during 1 stage of the workflow.


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  • Wire: A wire transfer is an electronic transfer of funds via a network that is administered by banks and transfer service agencies around the world.

  • Workbooks (Module): Designed to automate daily transaction data exports

  • Workflows: Approval stages that a payment needs to follow after initiation. Workflows can be customized to match internal signer protocol and are assigned at an account level.


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