The balance properties are the balance types that Trovata receives from the various institutions that are connected to your Trovata instance. We display both the local currency balance provided by the bank as well as the converted balance computed by Trovata. You will see balance types ending in "Converted" which means it is converted to the currency that the instance is set up to display.
Descriptions for these properties can be found below:
Composite Balance
This is the default balance property displayed which aims to create a normalized and current balance picture for all accounts in the report. This particular view aims to marry the most recent Current Day Balance with the Ending Balance or Closing Available of the prior days. The balance is determined based on the following ordering of balance properties: Composite Balance = Ending Balance, if not = Closing Available, if not = Current Available, if not = Opening Ledger (the following day), if not = Opening Available (the following day), if not = Synthetic.
Ending Balance (Closing Ledger)
This balance property will display the provided Ending Balance/Closing Ledger Balance from the institution for the day. When this balance property is not available it is substituted by the Closing Available Balance for the day.
Closing Available
The Closing Available for the account as provided by the institution for the specific day. This may vary from the Current Available or Opening Available (from the following day) based on cash availability/float activity in the account.
Opening Ledger
The Opening Ledger Balance for the account as provided by the institution for the specific day. This may vary from the Closing Ledger (from the previous day) or Opening Available (of the current day) based on cash availability/float activity in the account.
Opening Available
The Opening Available Balance for the account as provided by the institution for the specific day. This may vary from the Closing Available (from the previous day) or Opening Ledger (of the current day) based on cash availability/float activity in the account.
Current Available
The most recent Current Available Balance for the account as provided by the institution for the specific day.
This balance property is calculated from the transaction activity in an account for the specific day and references a previous starting balance. It is only displayed when balance data is not received from the institution for the account.
Opening/Closing Ledger
This balance property will display both the Opening and Closing Ledger fields as provided by the bank for the specific day.