This year, we have had over 15 major releases, focusing on ease of use and continuing to grow our platform capabilities. To see the full list of enhancements, click here.
Gaining visibility into your pending and intraday transactions with new labeling capabilities
Brand new analysis breakdowns including by account type, entities, and new TQL enabled capabilities like custom trend metrics, updated visualizations for pinned report snacks in dashboards and a host of reporting enhancements designed to make you more productive when viewing reporting insights
Trovata AI grew even more powerful as it integrated natively with ChatGPT 4 adding even deepen reasoning capabilities and the power to view tag based information
Workbooks received a major overhaul adding brand new delivery capabilities of raw data exports of transactions from Trovata unlocking a whole new dimension of low code data capabilities for folks in finance that may not have access to IT support
Brand new tag capabilities with fully supported TQL in GL tags, the ability to export the full tags hierarchy with all metadata, and a host of performance enhancements that have made this iteration of tags the most powerful yet
Payments received huge international support including the addition of new regions in the EU and Asia, more powerful batch upload capabilities, the addition of Swift as a processing capability, and powerful logging and entitlements capabilities adding even more layers of security and transparency to the payments processing framework